Scroll down to find out what Skin Conditions are please
Purpose of Our Skin
Not drawn to scale !
Let us begin at week 5 in your mother’s womb when you were forming from a little seed your skin was developing. At week 13 your skin is still thin, week 16 it thickens By week 18 your skin has almost finished coating.
P.S If you’re in a rush and would like to know your Skin condition you can scroll straight down to the section, but I’ll warn you if you can’t take some time to genuinely know your skin’s purpose and time to know you on a deeper level (you’ll get the joke if you scroll down and if you got the joke to laugh again the second time when you scroll). You won’t ever feel like you, because you don’t know you.
Our Skin begins it’s journey in the Physical world
Our Skin is our body’s barrier, protector, and loyal guardian. Our Skin is on the frontline every day doing overtime, always picking up for other important organs when they can’t function. Our skin shows up, and is always prepared on guard with army soldiers ready to combat foreign invasions from billions of harmful toxins that we don’t see! Our Skin is selfless and bears too much load because of overload in the body. Our skin sacrifices Our Skin communicates with everything around us and within us. Our Skin provides Beautiful art to the world that glorifies our Creator. Our Skin tells a story every day of the creativity of our Creator that should be celebrated every day.

“ As so above, so below"
Ring a bell?
Yes, remember the film as so above so below? Good because I didn’t I just came across the web image whilst I was searching for tree roots and I was quite curious as to how I didn’t know about this film. I thought you may have, so picture this important part of our being.
How nature works?
Now I know you’re wondering exactly what nature has to do with this Skin story I am taking you on. And why that creepy picture is up there? I know the vibes in this section are quite creepy in general. But I am trying to set a serious mystical tone here so try not laugh, please. Nature has a system as so below as above. For example, for a tree to grow it must germinate in the soil and create strong roots in the dark. For a baby to grow it needs to be in its mother’s womb filled with fluid for 9 months. The point I am making is that important processes take place in the unseen in reaction to the seen. The tree grows from the sunlight that warms the soil below. The baby is fed from the mother from the outside to grow the baby on the inside. Long story short what you’re doing outside is affecting the inside which then creates the outside results. Considering we now know the importance of our external world. Let’s look into the skin and investigate what’s going on.
Skin Cycle
The skin layer has three layers the Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis. These three layers are designed to protect the internal organs. You must be wondering how this weird-looking tissue protects the skin, produces oil, produces sweat, controls nerves, and protects the body. The integumentary system is so carefully designed and has a lot of details to cover if you’d like to learn more you can click here to understand the layers of the skin. Knowing the skin layers is important as this is how we determine the cause of any conditions in the skin.
If you refer to the table each column shows the skin turnover for your age. This information allows you to know roughly how long your skin takes to reproduce new skin cells.
Skin cycle, I know by now you guys trust what I am telling you is for your good. Skin cycle is the production of new skin cells (keratin) that come from the bottom ( Basal layer) and rise to the top.
Now I know you guys must be thinking skin ph??
Let me explain so remember how I was saying there is a natural law that governs everything. Listen don’t ask me I didn’t make the rules up I am just following them. Why am I following the rules because you try not to follow the rules and please share your experience! Try having a diet that doesn’t include nutrients your skin will scream in either dryness or too much oil I have been on both ends and it’s not NICE! Our skin pH must be respected by using the right products that help restore our skin pH levels.
Skin Imbalance
Well now let me not state the obvious, but the diagram states what the skin's natural pH ( please look up again to reconfirm) is now if that is disturbed. We now have a comprised skin barrier that can now cause SKIN PROBLEMS, and skin di-ease. This shows up as irritated/inflammed skin and if not managed can lead to further problems.
Luckily, for us, we have power over them. We were instructed to subdue and trample everything that tries to stop us from our mission. Little did these bacteria know is we are Self-healing beings.
Our skin is a mighty soldier doing everything in its might to protect the internal organs.
Little did these bacteria know that we have been gifted ammunition to shoot every SINGLE one of them to their nothingness and best of all it’s free. Working with nature we can trample all these diseases in our bodies causing us problems and causing us pain in our daily lives. We can open our eyes to the beauty nature gives us and the beauty of us.
Our human body the system is such beautiful art, perfect in its imperfections, delicate, and created to preserve us no matter the cost. However, with balances, we must be aware of the dangers of not respecting the gifts we have all been given.

CONGRATULATIONS ON SEEKING KNOWLEDGE ( I trust you will do something and seek more knowledge on how you can have healthy skin.)
Below is a list of Skin conditions that can manifest on our skin when our skin barrier is irritated, due to lack of hygiene, poor health, poor diet, and poor lifestyle.
Click on the condition you believe you may have and see the symptoms that occur if you’re still unsure you can book a FREE SKIN ANALYSIS CALL.